North Florida Amateur Radio Society
W4IZ Jacksonville FL
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF
From August 2017 NOFARS Balanced Modulator
A question posed often by NOFARS members concerns the need for construction or building permits for Amateur Radio towers in Duval County. Over the past thirty years or so, responses by Jacksonville building and zoning (B&Z) representatives have varied.
Interpreted strictly, the ordinance code might imply that permits are required for just about any improvement made to a home or lot. Before issuing a permit, they might require detailed plans certified by an engineer. Not inexpensive.
Some representatives have insisted that outdoor antennas and even appurtenances like backyard swingsets and dog houses require a permit. Others have stated that antennas are considered common home accessories and don't require a city permit.
Limited state and federal protection exists for Amateur Radio antennas, clotheslines, flagpoles, solar panels and outdoor television antennas for those without cable service.
Some local hams with outdoor installations, usually after complaints from neighbors, have received visits from enforcement officials. Some were told to get a permit. But when challenged to provide applicable legal justification, representatives either backed down or left and never returned.
Responses at NOFARS meetings indicate that probably 90% or more of those who attend do not have permits for their masts/towers/antennas.
The bottom's your call. But if you contact B&Z and get a favorable response indicating that a permit is not necessary, try to get it in writing or at least note who told you and when.
From the Jacksonville city website (as of late August 2017)
Permitting Non-Commercial Work (Residential)
To protect the residents of this county, each structure (1) that is placed on any individual lot requires permitting. This is done to provide the municipality the opportunity to review the construction project for compliance with local and state building codes and ordinances
Permits-When Required: Section 104.1.1 FBC states that any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert, or replace any electrical (2), gas, mechanical, or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by the technical codes, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit for the work.
(1) Antenna masts and towers are NOT considered structures by Ordinance Code.
(2) Electrical involves line voltages. Residential antennas, masts and rf transmission lines are components of electronic systems, not electrical ones. is independently funded. Opinions expressed are those of article authors and do not necessarily represent official viewpoints.
Copyright 2022 by Billy Williams & article authors
Non-commercial use permitted with source credit
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF