North Florida Amateur Radio Society
W4IZ Jacksonville FL
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF
(From the December 1966 Balanced Modulator by W4MVB)
JANUARY: New officers start planning the year ahead. Landon Hoyt, W4PLE (President); Ed Edwards, WA4SGF (VP); Errol Hoffman, WA4WNW (Secretary); Harold Hobbs, WA4VZF (Treasurer); Calvin Smith, WA4WOW (Activities Manager). Balanced Modulator Editor is Jesse Morris, W4MVB. Miami Hamboree--many NOFARS members attend.
FEBRUARY: Activities for the year start to take shape.
MARCH: Meeting held at WJXT-TV channel four. Many members assist in Good Turn Day in cooperation with local Boy Scouts and Goodwill Industries to collect items countywide.
APRIL: Talks with county Civil Defense officials establish working relationship with CD and NOFARS.
MAY: Picnic and hidden transmitter hunt on Little Talbot Island. Many attend Orlando Hamfest.
JUNE: Field Day! Operation from Gator Bowl most successful ever held in Duval County. Governor declared Amateur Radio Week. Annual St. Johns Regatta at the Florida Yacht Club. These events took place with much good publicity for NOFARS and ham radio.
JULY: Applied for W4IZ as club call.
AUGUST: Unofficial Field Day scores start to trickle in. Indications are that we may have done better than we imagined. Work started on a new constitution.
SEPTEMBER: NOFARS members participate in a drive to collect money for crippled children.
OCTOBER: A.L. "Ham" Hamel, K4SJH, Eastern Florida ARRL Section Communications Manager and Southeastern Division Vice Director is a visitor to Jacksonville and speaker at our regular meeting. Ham praises our efforts here. A booth at the Greater Jacksonville Fair is staffed by many NOFARS members. Chuck Bolvin, W4LVV, ARRL Southeastern Division Director, visits Jacksonville and our booth at the fair. Annual Simulated Emergency Test had good turnout. NOFARS member W4MVB is nominated for Eastern Florida SCM.
NOVEMBER: Field Day results official. WA4QCN first in Florida, first in W4 area and seventh in the nation overall among two-transmitter group. The large Florida Skip trophy is ours! James F. Lovett of Tallahassee and president of Davco speaks at meeting about field effect transistors and other Davco products.
DECEMBER: W4IZ club license granted by FCC replacing WA4QCN. Annual Simulated Emergency Test figures from ARRL show Duval County first in Florida. New constitution adopted. 1967 officers elected: Ron Locke, W4YPX (President); John Dent, WA4MEJ (VP) replaced in March by Ed Edwards, WA4SGF; Al Baumgartner, WA4WOV (Secretary); Leo Nielsen, WA4SQM (Treasurer); Carl Barr, WA4WPQ (Activities Manager). Emergency Coordinator is John Witherspoon, W4GUJ. is independently funded. Opinions expressed are those of article authors and do not necessarily represent official viewpoints.
Copyright 2022 by Billy Williams & article authors
Non-commercial use permitted with source credit
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF