North Florida Amateur Radio Society
W4IZ Jacksonville FL
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF
(From NOFARS Balanced Modulator 2008)
By Woody Parker, KF4GSK
Back in November 1997, N4YHS, KF4GSK, KF4LIQ, WD4BCJ and KF4IHU were in contact on 146.46 MHz. and were discussing the fact that since some of them worked, it was very difficult to communicate via ham radio during the week.
Steve, KF4IHU, spoke up and said it would be nice if we could all agree to meet during the weekends. This started the discussion and it was agreed that we would form a net to be held at 7:30 every Saturday night on 146.46.
We all agreed to come up with a name for the net and Herbert Taylor's name "The Saturday Night Net" was chosen. The purpose of the net was to get people together just for a ratchet jawing session on Saturday night and it was agreed we would take turns being net control and secretary. It was agreed the net would be highly informal and that we would allow ham-related equipment to be traded on the net.
The net officially began on December 13, 1997. After a short series of swapping duties, it soon became apparent that Jerry WD4BCJ and his wife Madeline KB4QCA were taking such a great interest that we decided to let them run the net each Saturday night. Jerry was named station trustee and Madeline was secretary.
The duration of the net was from 7:30 through 9:30 PM. Two hours seems like a long net, however, one needs to keep in mind that it was a very informal net and gave participants plenty of time to discuss what was on their mind. Several years after the net was formed, KF4GSK started giving out free certificates to all who checked into the net. As of 11-30-07, we have issued 363 certificates.
Up until about 3 years ago, it was permissible to have someone check you in or one could check in via telephone or email. Only actual check-ins are now allowed. Under the current check in system, we get an average of about 33 each Saturday.
Jerry, WD4BCJ, who had been our net controller since December 13, 1997, passed away on December 24, 2002. Shortly after his death, Herbert N4YHS and Woody KF4GSK decided to continue with the net. Herbert was named as trustee and Woody was named net manager, with Genie KG4BAJ being named secretary.
Other net controllers were solicited in order to continue the net. Current Net Controllers are N4YHS, KG4DKY, N4FAS, N4FOZ AND KF4GSK. We have never missed having a single net since its inception.
Approximately 7 years ago, people started donating prizes and money to be given away on the net in a special drawing. This is still carried on and we have given away approximately nine $25 prizes and many other prizes such as NOFARS memberships which were so kindly put up by N4UF.
Back in October 2002 and continuing until August 2006, I produced a monthly Saturday Night Newsletter. Subscriptions totaled 127 for the final newsletter. It is hoped that the newsletter can be started up once again in the not too distant future.
Check into SNN each Saturday night at 7:30 on 146.46 MHz. At the end of each session, the “wheel of fortune” spins live on the air to select the lucky winner. is independently funded. Opinions expressed are those of article authors and do not necessarily represent official viewpoints.
Copyright 2022 by Billy Williams & article authors
Non-commercial use permitted with source credit
Editor: Billy Williams, N4UF